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Thursday 10 January 2013

Who Built the Great Pyramid of Egypt?

People have wondered for ages about the truth of the mystery of the eight wonders of the ancient world. A lot of research and thinking has been done by the scientists and archaeologists of every time about the truth and reality of these wonders. After a lot of hard work and dedication, man was able to retrieve some part of the history of these wonders, how these miracles were built and how was the man of the ancient time able to construct such miraculous structures that are even difficult to build in the presence of all the latest constructional equipment, technology and the progress which engineering has undergone in dozens of decades. 

Thus many questions arise in the mind of a common man about whether it was built by “humans” or not.The great pyramid of Egyptwhich is one of the most visited wonders of the world is also under the strict questions raised by the mind of common men.

The great pyramid of Egypt was one of the most miraculous structures in the world due to its unique designs and the quality of its constructional material. The queries encircling the minds of researchers and scholars could not be answered until the 19th century when visionary development took place in the field of archeology, the latest technologies and equipment which were developed in this period enabled the researchers to progress this work forward much more rapidly and hence a priceless part of the Egyptian history was unveiled out of the desert sand in which it was laying for centuries and centuries. The results unveiled from the extraction of information from this fraction of history were very revolutionary. Many questioned related to the pyramids in the minds of the scholars were cleared. It was revealed from the study of inscriptions on the pyramids that these pyramids were built by “Humans”.

This revolutionary development was not accepted by a major proportion of the scholars as what it suggested was nearly impossible. The research stated that the pyramid was built entirely by humans. It was revealed from diagrams and inscriptions from the pyramid that these pyramids were constructed by the cutting of heavy stones from mountains, the inscriptions show that the bricks used in the building of these pyramids were transported by the human slaves of the pharaohs. Research held by an American organization has revealed that a single brick weighs to a minimum of 30 tons and it is impossible for most modern machinery to carry such large masses leave aside humans thus the inscriptions have raised many questions over their credibility. Amongst one of the possible answer for this is the possibility that this miracle was built by aliens.

The size and nature of the pyramid makes it possible for most of people to suspect whether such a wonder was really made by humans. This question was raised when facts relating to the nature of the pyramid were unveiled in public; it was revealed that a single block of stone that was carved to be made into bricks was 40 tons; this weight cannot possibly be lifted by nearly all of the machines ever invented by humans. However the inscriptions reveal that the these bricks were carried to the pyramid from the other side of the Nile river, It seems quite impossible considering that at those times, no modern travelling methods were so strong that such a weight could be transported from one end of the river to the other. The only thing that is sure about the facts is that these massive blocks were transported from one end of the river to other. How, this is the question?

There is no possible conclusion if we consider the fact that how such a hefty weight was transferred across the river by “humans’. But now, consider the prospect of the use of alien technology in the transfer of such mammoth weights. There is no way that such a civilization such as that of the pharaohs could possibly possessed a technology that made it possible to move the gigantic stone blocks thus the most reasonable conclusion could be the use of alien technology by aliens. Only an out-of-the-world alien technology can move a weight that cannot be moved by any human technology up to date. And if any one denies that such a technology was used then the Pyramid is still standing proud in the sunlight as a signature to the quality of creators which is certainly not this worlds.

Another important fact that can be considered while looking at its builder is the durability of this pyramid, this pyramid has survived countless storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, flood and earth quakes in its centuries of history but this product still stand proud in the sands of time giving a clear look at the technology employed by its builders. The pyramids have not only survived all the harsh conditions over the times but it has also represented its creators by standing tall whatever the time, whateverthe conditions. Even nowadays, there are rarely any human constructed products that can have survived for centuries and centuries. In the modern times extraction of these pyramids have revealed that the underground chambers built at that time are still in one piece even now, no human product can survive such harsh conditions and yet even prove their durability after being buried in the sand s for centuries. The traps and cellars made in the inner part of the pyramid are working even now. They must have been created by some one way ahead of that time.

The condition of the inner part of the pyramid still now is also brilliant considering the conditions this pyramid has been under, the traps set for intruders are working even now and have shown their creators mind, it must be noted that even now days when the quality of the security systems is not comparable to something like that of the pyramid, hence at the pharaohs time when the technology was not as extensive and advance that it is now, the creator must have possessed something more than human, it was surely aliens.

The best check to check the creator of the pyramids is the fact that the pyramid is built on the border of two rivers as its diagonals. These diagonals are extended over to miles and miles over the North East and North West. This is no coincidence as the orientation and the alignment of the pyramid is kept as such to exist of the border of the rivers constantly up till they join. There was no means for the human of that time to remain the alignment as this area is extended over miles and checkers would need months to check the alignment of a small proportion. So how was the alignment maintained? Yes the answer is Alien technology. While it was impossible for humans to keep measure of the orientation and alignment of the diagonals of the pyramids, It was possible for aliens to monitor this line from above using a spaceship through which they could easily maintain the alignment and orientation.

Another solid proof of aliens being the constructors of the pyramids is the fact that the pyramids are lined exactly in the line of the north pole with a minute difference of just 16(there are 60 minutes in a degree). It must be remembered that the first compasses were invented thousands of years after the pyramids.So how was it possible for Egyptians to maintain such orientation, was it a coincidence?, for the Egyptians to be possible to employ such a technology, it was necessary for them to know the summer solace and thus the precise length of the year in days(365.25) which was known to humans long after the construction of this miraculous landmark, the reality behind that was the modern technology of aliens again, It was impossible for humans to know such scientific details at such time but the aliens could have possible possessed such scientific facts at that time and hence they had compasses with them which enabled them to construct the pyramid with the right orientation.

The most astounding fact related the pyramid is related to its perimeter, A latest research has proved that the perimeter of the pyramid when divided 2 times by its height is equal to the no pi (up to even the 15th significant figure). It was not possible for Egyptians of that time to know such complex figure which had been correctly calculated far late in the 6th century hence the only possible explanation of this can be the construction of this wonder by the aliens which were aware of pi and its uses even at that time. Hence all the data provided above leads to only one conclusion, the great pyramid of Egypt was built by aliens which employed such latest methods and calculations in its constructions which were not know to Egyptians those days, hence it can be concluded that most probably the great pyramid of Egypt was a construction of aliens. 


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